We should not share with the others everything related to our lives … cause they will just amplify all … with negativity … written by the well known romanian writter Adrian Gabriel Dumitru

I sometimes analyze and define with other people the events from my own life.

… and there are times when i really hear nice perceptions over situations which i could not clearly understand.

… but on the other hand …. I also see perceptions that have a huge negative impact on myself.

I hear them …. and feel the negative impact … everything being amplified more and more and more.

Then i wonder myself …. why do i bother to talk with those people …. letting them to amplify my negative emotions?!

Why do i still practice this stupid game … when in fact i know that only 10% of those perceptions are correct?!

Why i don’t meditate more?!

Why i don’t understand that i need to connect to my inner self … ask for guidance … for wisdom and for a better understanding of the outside world … but also not letting my thinking be overwhelmed by weird emotions?!

I could use my intuition… as guidance… but as a silly boy … i keep playing the game of analyzing and defining my universe … with so, so many people.

I could decide … to simple … shut up.

… and meditate more … with detachment.

Download the book ”Doing stupid things … an amazing journey” written by the romanian author Adrian Dumitru for FREE.

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